Beschreibung: Sound of car driving away on dirt road. Usable in: foley. Distance: mid. Acousic: field

Beschreibung: Sound of car emergency lights clicking loop. Usable in: foley. Distance: mid close. Acousic: indoor

Beschreibung: Sound of car central lock open/close. Usable in: foley. Distance: mid close. Acousic: field

Beschreibung: Sound of car - fast starting on wet road. Usable in: foley. Distance: mid. Acousic: field

Beschreibung: Sound of car arrival backwards. Usable in: foley. Distance: mid. Acousic: field

Beschreibung: Sound of car arrival forwards. Usable in: foley. Distance: mid. Acousic: field

Beschreibung: Sound of car slow low departure. Usable in: foley. Distance: mid. Acousic: field

Beschreibung: Sound of car low sounding parking arrival. Usable in: foley. Distance: mid. Acousic: field

Beschreibung: Sound of car driving in service garage. Usable in: foley. Distance: mid. Acousic: indoor

Beschreibung: Sound of: fast car wipers in rain. Usable as: foley. Distance: mid close. Acoustic: indoor

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