Beschreibung: Stereo sound recording of a marker drawing a circle, or circling a choice or object on a piece of paper.

Beschreibung: Sound recording of someone taking a sip of coffee or tea from a mug or cup.

Beschreibung: Stereo sound recording of a marker firming drawing an X, as if to mark the spot.

Beschreibung: Stereo sound recording of a marker filling an area in, or drawing or sketching on a piece of paper.

Beschreibung: Stere sound recording of a marker being used to quickly sketch a drawing or write something.

Beschreibung: Whoosh sound effect that is great for moving text or graphics, or emphasizing other types of motion.

Beschreibung: Sound recording of someone knocking or tapping with their finger on a glass window, door, tank or aquarium.

Beschreibung: Sound recording of a ratchet clicking as it's cranked.

Beschreibung: An impact slam with a futuristic, electric robot vibe that is great for accenting logos, text, graphics, or transitions.

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