Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo sound effect or ambience recording of a steady rain falling while distant thunder rumbles periodically.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo recording of stock race cars zooming past as they race around a track.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo ambience recording of a hockey rink during practice, warm up, or open ice. Many hockey players are skating, stick handling, and shooting pucks.

Beschreibung: This loop ready stereo sound recording is great for situations that are tense, eerie, frightening, paranormal, etc. Low resonating tones and piercingly high ringing feedback evoke an intensely unnerving feeling in the listener.

Beschreibung: Stereo sound or ambience recording of exotic birds singing and calling across the jungle as insects and bugs create a symphony of buzzing and chirping.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo sound recording from deep within a dense jungle. Many types of birds, insects, and other animals can be heard calling out through the trees across the forest.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo ambience recording of a thunderstorm raining down and making the city very drippy and wet.

Beschreibung: Loopable audio recording of ambience from a busy warehouse or distribution center, with vehicles, forklifts, and workers busy moving around or loading and unloading product.

Beschreibung: Loop ready ambience or sound effect recording of a basketball game taking place in a large arena with a boisterous crowd cheering, yelling and booing along with the game.

Beschreibung: Sound recording of someone using a microwave oven, complete with the door opening and closing at the beginning and end.

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