Beschreibung: This track brings a stylish and contemporary sound for ambient, leisure, and corporate use. It is perfect for creating a feeling of sophistication and luxury. The slightly detuned lead instruments of an upright piano and soft jazz guitar melodies are complemented by shimmering Rhodes electric piano arpeggios, with subtle electronic percussion providing a smooth, cohesive foundation.

Beschreibung: A track in the style of modern fantasy themes such as Pixar, Dreamworks, Disney, Christmas movie or Harry Potter. Magical musical elements such as the celesta, harp and flute phrases combine to produce enchanting accompaniment to a magical landscape, probably fictional where mythical beings such as wizards, elves and fairies live. The piece features two instrumental build-ups where orchestral instruments are joined by an ethereal synth pad.

Beschreibung: Gentle, revolving flute patterns suggest fluttering creatures or birds in flight. A mystical, fantasy-like environment is suggested with hints of magic and wonder. Soft string passages and harp arpeggios create feel of warmth and beauty, with delicate, descending scales adding an aspect of intrigue and adventure.

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