Beschreibung: "The fart song" This is the story about three talented musicians that ate in the wrong place before a concert.

Beschreibung: "The fart song" This is the story about three talented musicians that ate in the wrong place before a concert.

Beschreibung: "The fart song" This is the story about three talented musicians that ate in the wrong place before a concert.

Beschreibung: The song "Middle East Conflict" combines Arab musical instruments (like-violins, woodwinds and strings) with modern Western sounds. Suitable for videos and films about Arab countries or the Middle East.

Beschreibung: The song "Middle East Conflict" combines Arab musical instruments (like-violins, woodwinds and strings) with modern Western sounds. Suitable for videos and films about Arab countries or the Middle East.

Beschreibung: The song "Middle East Conflict" combines Arab musical instruments (like-violins, woodwinds and strings) with modern Western sounds. Suitable for videos and films about Arab countries or the Middle East.

Beschreibung: The song "Middle East Conflict" combines Arab musical instruments (like-violins, woodwinds and strings) with modern Western sounds. Suitable for videos and films about Arab countries or the Middle East.

Beschreibung: Full of energy, bouncy and exciting. Played by guitars, trumpets and violins. A combination of funk and disco.

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