Beschreibung: Music with a dense sound, a melody, an obstinate and distorted rhythm.

Beschreibung: Arpeggio slow, slightly dilated, calmo.Piano and acoustic guitar

Beschreibung: Trittfrequenz schamanischen produziert mit industriellen Effekten

Beschreibung: Dark, moody song, with huge drums and elastic synths, apocalyptic atmosphere.

Beschreibung: An articulated expanse of ethereal, atonal, dense and mysterious sounds

Beschreibung: A simple, light, positive ballad, guitar arpeggios. Great for documentaries, adventure, travel.

Beschreibung: A piece with a light and positive mood, almost exotic and inspiring of travels. Great for documentaries.

Beschreibung: Excellent electric blues. Incisive and energetic. Urban blues style.

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