Beschreibung: This version is the basic piano and string version of the other tracks with a similar name.

Beschreibung: Suspenseful, growling synth, tension building, modern film score, featuring distant horns on an unpredictable, macabre and low melody.

Beschreibung: This sparse version with just the basic pulsing rhythm is the companion to the other tracks with similar names

Beschreibung: This R&B/Jazz piece is dark and mysterious with energy, featuring harmon mute trumpets, synth leads, electronic drums, synthesizers, percussion and strings, backup vocals.

Beschreibung: The version without the main melody. this R&B/Jazz piece is dark and mysterious with energy, featuring harmon mute trumpets, synth leads, electronic drums, synthesizers, percussion and strings, backup vocals.

Beschreibung: This is a big, dramatic, suspenseful, action, contemporary film orchestra cue, lasting over 2 minutes. Its the percussion version of the following. A big beginning with brass and percussion, into an eerily haughty melody, into an epic brass ensemble. Next, a dueling quieter Tuba versus Horn Theme. Finally, brass building to the final ending.

Beschreibung: This is a big, dramatic, suspenseful, action, contemporary film orchestra cue, lasting over 2 minutes. A big beginning with brass & percussion, into an eerily haughty melody, into an epic brass ensemble. Next, a dueling quieter Tuba versus Horn Theme. Finally, brass building to the final ending.

Beschreibung: This is a big, dramatic, suspenseful, action, contemporary film orchestra cue, lasting over 2 minutes. A big beginning with brass & percussion, into an eerily haughty melody, into an epic brass ensemble. Next, a dueling quieter Tuba versus Horn Theme. Finally, brass building to the final ending.

Beschreibung: A classic, hiphop, pop, soundtrack without vocals for TV and film

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