Beschreibung: dramatic, nice strings and acoustic guitar, friendly, tranquil, reflecting, sombre, beautiful

Beschreibung: dramatic, quirky, comedic, fun, unsure, simple yet effective, good pace

Beschreibung: A gentle piano piece with fragile strings and slow moving changes. Very pretty and perfect for scoring.

Beschreibung: A gentle piano piece with fragile strings and slow moving changes. Very pretty and perfect for scoring.

Beschreibung: A slow moving and sombre solo piano track with haunting melodies.

Beschreibung: A gentle and lite Piano track with nice motion. It is tranquil and intimate.

Beschreibung: A slow moving and magical sounding track with great motion and a sense of intrigue.

Beschreibung: A very peaceful Piano track with beautiful melodies and motion.

Beschreibung: A pulsating and hypnotic track featuring Electric Piano. It has great motion without being overpowering.

Beschreibung: A serious solo piano track with a slow pace and dark feel.

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