Beschreibung: Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. What are YOU?

Beschreibung: Getting over a relationship is never easy. ‘Goodbye Love 3 Scenes’ is a series of emotions experienced by Megan after Lucas left her for another woman. It begins with a sad goodbye (Scene 1 Farewell Tears) which then turned into confidence and strength to get over Lucas (Scene 2 Determination to Forget). At the end of it all, Megan was defeated by the confusion and negative emotions that were eating her deep inside (Scene 3 Turmoils of Feelings).

Beschreibung: Indulge in a series of Chinese Asian sound and let it soothe your body, mind and soul. Suitable for discovery and travel channels due to the presence of the pentatonic scale.

Beschreibung: Indulge in a series of Chinese Asian sound and let it soothe your body, mind and soul. Suitable for discovery and travel channels due to the presence of the pentatonic scale.

Beschreibung: This inspirational and heartwarming piano piece reminisces the sweet and beautiful memories of the past.

Beschreibung: This inspirational and heartwarming piano piece reminisces the sweet and beautiful memories of the past.

Beschreibung: Christmas is indeed the best time of the year! There are presents, lights, pine trees, mistletoe and even Santa Claus to delight everyone in this holiday season!

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