Beschreibung: Melancholic and sad track for solo piano, classical style, suitable for films, videos and background

Beschreibung: Dramatic, intimate and sad track, strongly cinematic charachter. Over a background of strings, stands out the majestic and poignant classic guitar solo. Suitable for projects with strong personality.

Beschreibung: Romantic track for solo piano, with passionate outbursts alternated with moments dreamy. Cinematic ambience and passionate moods for your films, videos, media projects..

Beschreibung: Gloomy and dramatic atmosphere , supported by a relentless rhythmic base. The harmonic structure, classically baroque, is expressed in a modern blend of acoustic, electric and electronic instruments. Ideal for video and multimedia projects that require a tense and dark ambience.

Beschreibung: Gloomy and dramatic atmosphere , supported by a relentless rhythmic base. The harmonic structure classically baroque is expressed in a modern blend of acoustic, electric and electronic instruments. Ideal for video and multimedia projects that require a tense and dark ambience.

Beschreibung: Romanticism and instrumental sweetness in this intimate looped track, extremely elegant and considerable for melodic impact. A gentle rhythm of drums accompanies the piano in the foreground and the counterpoint of the strings.

Beschreibung: Complex loop, animated by pulsations of electric bass and percussions. Melancholy, intimacy and vitality magically mixed to create a unique atmosphere. The instrumentation provides synthesizers, percussion, a powerful electric bass, acoustic and electric guitars, an angelic reverberated female choir.

Beschreibung: Musikalische Darstellung für Klavier Solo von den Papstpalast in Avignon, zwischen Majestät und Erinnerungen an vergangenen weltlichen Herrlichkeiten.

Beschreibung: Majestätischen Chor- und Orchesterwerke Gebogenes Gleis. Nicht geeignet für geschäftliche Anforderungen, es ist stattdessen eine feierliche und dramatische unterstrich für besondere Anlässe oder besonders intensiv und dramatische Videos und Bilder. Der Text besteht aus den ersten vier Versen des berühmten Carme 101 von lateinischen Dichters Catull.

Beschreibung: Edle und ergreifend Loop, klassischen Stil, langsam Zeit. Ideale unterstrich für alle Projekte erfordern einen intimen orchestralen unterstrich.

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