Beschreibung: This is a spiritual song first recorded in the 1920s. It's a standard campfire sing along song in Scouting, religious retreats, and summer camps and has also enjoyed broader popularity during the folk revival of the 1950s and 1960s. There are several different lyric versions. Here it is done as an instrumental with a solo piano. 100 bpm

Beschreibung: This is one of the most recognizable and probably the most famous hymns in the English speaking world. It is a reverent and heavenly rendition that will have mass recognition and will work well with association for any suitable video project application. It is done with a solo grand piano for a simplistic and holy feel and can be used as a backing for musical works for a vocalist or vocalists to sing praise. 74 beats per minute.

Beschreibung: This inspirational and heartwarming piano piece reminisces the sweet and beautiful memories of the past.

Beschreibung: A few derivatives from a popular hymn entitled "Amazing Grace". The recording features classical guitar, an ethereal keyboard and a female voice.

Beschreibung: Little Christmas musical theme played music box sound. Can be used as a jingle, background , stinger, ringtone,etc

Beschreibung: An abridged version of the tradtional hymn tune 'Jerusalem', also sometimes known as 'And did those feet in Ancient Time'. Very proud, noble and humble, depicting a simpler time gone-by. Played by solo cornet, horn & strings. Especially abridged version for 30sec radio & TV commercials.

Beschreibung: Classic hymn arranged for solo acoustic guitar. Soothing yet inspirational.

Beschreibung: The Birth Of Jesus Christ .Music dedicated to the holiday Christmas. Jesus Christ was born into this world, that people would receive the forgiveness of sins, eternal life, peace, light, faith, hope and love

Beschreibung: hymn, spiritual, guitar, instrumental, ambient, calm, background, relaxing, mellow, classical, romantic, chill, dreamy, easy, elegant, ethereal, light, soft, tranquil, smooth, soothing