Beschreibung: Darkness to Sunlight.mp3 is a track created for you tube videos, film and commercials

Beschreibung: "Maundering" is an atmospheric but strong and ominous track. Verging into the power-electronics genre, this track is cutting-edge electronic/soundscape material. Reminiscent of Nine Inch Nails, "Maundering" is the sound of experimental industrial.

Beschreibung: "Weesha" begins with an electronic pulse and a treated cello tone and quickly leads into an electronic world-beat type of track.

Beschreibung: An experimental track that has a Kill Bill vibe. The distorted and muzzled violin solo gives it a dark and cold mood along with the cheap sounding guitars. The hip/hop rhythm drives the track along with the high lagotto strings. The instrumental has a dramatic feel.

Beschreibung: Decadence mood composition with many guitars, percussion and keyboards. Unexpectedly fast tempo.

Beschreibung: Here is a strange but also motivational, uplifting and cheerful background music! Flûtes and birds make your day!

Beschreibung: Dirty Pub is a slow paced song. It sounds like a live band with electronic elements.

Beschreibung: Highly stylized lounge-exotica track with an avant-garde theatrical vibe. Cinematic and intriguing like a Fellini movie soundtrack.

Beschreibung: Electronic funky track with lots of rhythmic variety to keep you moving forward. Heavy synth sounds and rhythms

Beschreibung: James Bond feel track with a nice easy groove that is created with synths and guitar