Beschreibung: Short piece designed for commercials/advertisements. Builds from a simple piano motive to a subtle, but emotional section for strings and piano. At exactly 90 seconds, this piece gives your editors flexibility and options for fade in/out, or a strong hit on a logo or product at the end of the ad. Perfect for ads that need a happy, but unobtrusive backing.

Beschreibung: Solo piano, an almost non-tempo'd piece with thick harmonies and great passion.

Beschreibung: Pretty, Carefree, Up tempo, Cheery, Travelin, piano lead, rhythm guitar, bass, drums

Beschreibung: Picturesque, positive, Acoustic, piano, guitar, soaring

Beschreibung: This dark yet mysterious cinematic electronic music combines a dramatic vibe with strong overtones. The futuristic detective synth melody combines with a deep bass line and pumping drums to a create a track perfect for crime, mystery, cinema, and more.

Beschreibung: This track is very mysterious /elegant and comes with lush synths, rising bass-sounds, impacts, risers and big drums. Enjoy!;)