Beschreibung: A tender and childlike jazz waltz that soothes and comforts in a very fun and energetic way featuring acoustic piano lead, acoustic guitar, vibes, drums and acoustic bass .

Beschreibung: A very folksy and comfortable jazz swing tune with piano, guitar, vibes, bass and drums with brushes.

Beschreibung: A lively and jazzy Celtic type tune with accordion, tin whistle, acoustic guitars, drums and acoustic bass.

Beschreibung: This jazz waltz is relaxed yet has an unstoppable flow of fun and whimsy, featuring piano, acoustic guitar, electric piano, drums and acoustic bass.

Beschreibung: A light and frivolous jazz swing tune with piano, vibes, guitar, drums and bass.

Beschreibung: Easy going and confident the bagel man has your perfect comfort food featuring piano, acoustic guitar, drums, acoustic bass, vibes and ukulele.

Beschreibung: A relaxed and slightly haunting jazz swing with guitar, piano, drums and acoustic bass.

Beschreibung: A sneaky and mysterious jazz swing tune with piano, guitar, vibes and bass.

Beschreibung: A jazz swing tune with a funky rockish drum beat and a frenetic yet controlled melody and warm friendly harmonies featuring accordion, vibes, piano, guitar, bass and drums.

Beschreibung: A very relaxed and slightly ethereal jazz ballad with piano, guitar, bass and drums with brushes.