Beschreibung: An opinionated melody with a bossy attitude plays over some intriguing minor-key changes and swings none the less, featuring harmonica, piano, acoustic bass, vibes and drums.

Beschreibung: A slightly quirky and unsettled jazz swing tune with harmonica, piano, vibes, guitar, bass and drums.

Beschreibung: A sad and lonely blues tune with a very deliberate tempo and phrasing containing comedic undertones featuring electric piano, acoustic bass, alto flute, drums and acoustic guitar.

Beschreibung: A slightly quirky and haunting jazz swing tune with piano, vibes, guitar, ukulele, bass clarinet, bass and drums with brushes.

Beschreibung: Good things come to those who persist featuring piano, vibes, guitar, bass and drums.

Beschreibung: We can always imagine being in charge of things, featuring harmonica, acoustic guitar, piano, drums with brushes and acoustic bass. Swinging cool jazz.

Beschreibung: A hearty little song for a hearty meal with piano, acoustic guitar, drums with brushes and acoustic bass.

Beschreibung: A meandering and slightly haunting swing jazz tune perfect for the daily watercooler or front porch chatter about the day's events, featuring piano, acoustic bass, vibes, drums with brushes and acoustic guitar.

Beschreibung: A confident and determined jazz swing tune with attitude, featuring piano, acoustic bass, drums and acoustic guitar.

Beschreibung: A mysterious yet intriguing waltz dripping with intense feelings for the past, with flute, electric piano, acoustic bass, guitar and drums.