Beschreibung: Delicate positive orchestrale Melodie. Royalty Free Music und Stock Music for Creative Audio Visual Projekten einschließlich YouTube, TV, Film, PowerPoint, Flash, und alle Medien.

Beschreibung: hell, festlich, positive, magische, Licht, freudig, glücklich, Mittelalter, Ritter, Burg, Palast, Ball, Tanz, Barock, Höflinge, Duke, König, Königin, Fantasy, Filme, Film, tv, Messing, Violoncello, Schlagzeug, Tamburin, Flöte, Flöten, Harfe, Hörner, Oboe, Orchester, Streicher, Trompete, Violine, vor 15. Jahrhundert, 16. Jahrhundert, 17. Jahrhundert, mittelalterliche, Theater

Beschreibung: Delicate, elegant and emotional, this enchanted track is ethereal and haunting in style, giving a heavenly and sensual character to it.

Beschreibung: Elegante Interpretation von Tschaikowskys klassischer Weihnachtsmusik, aus der Nussknacker-Suite. Eine einfache bezaubernde magische klassische Melodie, ideal für Weihnachten und Urlaub Parteien, warme Familie, Kinder, tanzen, Eröffnung Geschenke, spielt mit Spielzeug. Spitzbübisch, spielerische schrulligen Walzer. Spezielle, viel geliebten

Beschreibung: This is strong rising, epic, inspiring, uplifting, dramatic and a little tragic track with valiant emotions. Adventure atmosphere with explosive and clean drums, deep bass, lots of percussion, grand piano, staccato and legato strings and emotion heroic brass. Designed specially for voice-overing and background usage Useful for epic trailers or presentations, movies about adventures, battles, motivational videos, web, also for game videos, reels, sport, etc. Main Track length is 2:24 + 2 Additional tracks: 1:00, 0:30 I hope you will enjoy! See you soon! Dear Buyers! Please notice, if you bought my audio and need help to correct it for your project (to make it shorter/longer/brighter/louder/to change tempo or instrument/etc), just feel free to contact me via e-mail ( and I guarantee to add changes for you as soon as possible and for free(just add the invoice number in e-mail).

Beschreibung: Stately, joyful and slightly whimsical Palm Court style string quartet - in the style of Fawlty Towers. Rather upbeat and perky, conjures up images of afternoon tea in a grand hotel when one used to dress for dinner. Perfect for comedy, commercials, spoofs or documentary and TV reality programmes. 60sec and 30sec

Beschreibung: The mazurka (in Polish, mazurek) is a Polish folk dance in triple meter, usually at a lively tempo, and with accent on the second or third beat. The mood is peaceful, playful, pompous and positive

Beschreibung: Cossacks (kazaki) are a group of predominantly East Slavic people who became known as members of democratic, semi-military communities, predominantly located in Ukraine and in Russia. They inhabited sparsely populated areas and islands in the lower Dnieper, Don, Terek, and Ural river basins and played an important role in the historical and cultural development of both Russia and Ukraine. Cossack was riding for Danube is a Ukrainian folk song. The mood is optimistic, patriotic, pompous and proud

Beschreibung: Allegro by Giuliani Mauro Giuseppe Sergio Pantaleo Giuliani (27 July 1781 – 8 May 1829) was an Italian guitarist, cellist, singer, and composer. He was a leading guitar virtuoso of the early 19th century.

Beschreibung: Eine Spur süße und zarte bestehend aus einfachen wiederholten Klavier Wortgruppe, die durch eine emotionale String-Abschnitt gesichert werden. Herzerwärmend, filmische und berührend. Diese Strecke wäre groß für Unternehmens- und Projekte, Präsentationen und unterstreicht filmische Bilder des Lebens, der Natur und der Welt.