Beschreibung: An energetic, cheerful and uplifting guitar bluegrass jingle. Suitable for western, rodeo, comedy or other scenes, perfect for commercial radio and TV production

Beschreibung: an acoustic guitar driven piece that sounds like a few guys playing around the campfire well with a small drum kit present.

Beschreibung: Upbeat country bluegrass, picking and strumming guitars, fiddle, harmonica, honky-tonk piano. Good for boot kicking festive outdoors, BBQ and travel. Medium-fast paced beat that simply feels good.

Beschreibung: A fun and upbeat bluegrass melody led by a solo violin accompanied by banjo, acoustic guitar, soap box bass and washboard.

Beschreibung: Happy country song, with a village/Irish atmosphere. Played by - banjo, harmonica, violin and more ..

Beschreibung: Happy song, with a village/ wild west atmosphere. Played by - banjo, flute, violin and more ..

Beschreibung: Happy loop, with a village/ wild west atmosphere. Played by - banjo, flute, violin and more ..

Beschreibung: Happy song, with a village/ wild west atmosphere. Played by - banjo, flute, violin and more ..