Beschreibung: Patriotic Performances, Americana, fanfare, Historical, Patriotic, March, Military, somber, dignified, respectful, scenic, panoramic, majestic

Beschreibung: music for scenes of black comedy, fantasy or cartoons. For films or commercials. With orchestra ans harpsichord

Beschreibung: TRACK DESCRIPTION : Epic Intense and cinematic blockbuster trailer intro containing the instruments like orchestral drums, strings, hybrid instruments and sound effects, distortion guitars, horns and rhythmic elements. GREAT FOR : Film production, radio, television broadcasting, sport, advertisements , startups, video games.

Beschreibung: This powerful dramatic fanfare will help to create an incredible and exciting atmosphere at start of any your project!

Beschreibung: Piano is a delicate, warm and romantic composition for piano and string. Gorgeous Grand Piano is augmented by percussive and musical orchestral instruments and elements, gently building to a wonderfully uplifting crescendo before finishing once more with just the acoustic solo piano.

Beschreibung: Slow funeral dirge march with strings, woodwinds and brass punctuated by snare drum.

Beschreibung: Tense, dark and flowing string based classically-inspired piece. Moody orchestral strings build gravitas and authority to a climactic finale. Great for car adverts, financial reports, corporate communications, period dramas, mysteries, film trailers etc. In the style of Vivaldi's Four Seasons.