Beschreibung: Akustikgitarre bildet die Grundlage dieses positives und optimistisches Tracks.

Beschreibung: Akustikgitarre bildet die Grundlage dieses positives und optimistisches Tracks.

Beschreibung: Modern audio logo, clean sound, an acoustic guitar. An ideal choice for savers, video, TV, and more.

Beschreibung: Modern audio logo, clean sound, an acoustic guitar. An ideal choice for savers, video, TV, and more.

Beschreibung: Nostalgic, scenic, relaxed feel, easy, country roads, ballad, peaceful, nature, acoustic guitar

Beschreibung: Reflective, nature, peaceful, mood, acoustic,guitar,heartfelt,simple, sweet

Beschreibung: Nostalgic, scenic, relaxed feel, easy, country roads, ballad, peaceful, nature, acoustic guitar

Beschreibung: Nostalgic, scenic, relaxed feel, easy, country roads, ballad, peaceful, nature, acoustic guitar

Beschreibung: Reflective, nature, peaceful, mood, acoustic,guitar,heartfelt,simple, sweet

Beschreibung: Reflective, nature, peaceful, mood, acoustic,guitar,heartfelt,simple, sweet