Beschreibung: Die Antriebsenergie Hallo begeistert Western zuversichtlich

Beschreibung: Americana, mit Americana-Verschiedenes, Pastoral, Panorama, Drama, Drama-menschlichen Emotionen, Building, Poignant, Panorama, Moody, geheimnisvoll, bedrohlich, Sad, ausdrucksstark, in einem Emotional, Poignant Stimmung, Gitarre, Akustik-, Klavier, Mundharmonika, Mandoline , Violine, Geige, mit einem Mid-Tempo

Beschreibung: Schmerzhaft eindrucksvollen romantische Musik des amerikanischen Westens. Schieben Sie Gitarre, akustische Gitarre, Synth-Pad.

Beschreibung: Mitte der Straße Track mittlere Tempo Gitarre Spitze

Beschreibung: Recently, I got a chance to visit the Music Instrument Museum in Phoenix. I was in my element! I recommend it as a must-see destination when visiting the valley. The museum has an instrument called the Apollonia, a 25 ft. long behemoth manufactured in Antwerp in 1926 that weighs over TWO TONS. The entire instrument had to be shipped in 3 parts... Anyway, the instrument is basically a player piano on steroids, and the music it plays inspired this track. I named it the Nickel March because most player pianos of old (erroneously called nickelodeons) cost 5 cents to play. Enjoy!

Beschreibung: Fett zuversichtlich entschlossen begeisterte westlichen positiv