Beschreibung: A tender, warm, intimate, pretty, moving and heartfelt cue. The B Version adds an acoustic guitar part.

Beschreibung: A tender, warm, intimate, pretty, moving and heartfelt cue. The B Version adds an acoustic guitar part.

Beschreibung: A tender, warm, intimate, pretty, moving and heartfelt cue. The B Version adds an acoustic guitar part.

Beschreibung: A tender, warm, intimate, pretty, moving and heartfelt cue. The B Version adds an acoustic guitar part.

Beschreibung: A tender, warm, intimate, pretty, moving and heartfelt cue. The B Version adds an acoustic guitar part.

Beschreibung: If you want peace, prepare for war. Energizing, inspiring, motivating and very fast marching percussion for any kind of your projects. I hope you like it.

Beschreibung: Step into the fog of the haunted graveyard, where a ghostly air follows the back of your neck and things go bump in the dark...This ominous and foreboding music is perfect for setting scenes of horror or suspense in strange dark places...or on halloween!

Beschreibung: Ancient, old music with acoustic nylon guitar as lute and traditional drums with jingles, Imitate atmosphere of ancient times

Beschreibung: Upbeat Ukelele with Lap Slide Guitar & Bumbling Human whistler chorus in the background; perfect for livening up explainer videos. As the tune progresses, a nasally but likable hum also enters til reaching the finale. Overall, an upbeat, humorous, whimsical track!

Beschreibung: The great motivational and uplifting track with pumping rhythm, features piano, synths, bouncy bass and hand claps. Perfect for inspirational, promotional videos, commercials, and much more.