Beschreibung: Lyrical composition in medieval style. With the use of acoustic guitar, flute and bagpipes.Suitable for video and film production.

Beschreibung: Sad and romantic melody in Scottish style.With the sounds of the Celtic harp and bagpipes.Suitable for video and film production

Beschreibung: Composition in the style of medieval ballads. Using guitar, flute and percussion. A bit sad and gloomy.Suitable for video and film production.

Beschreibung: This instrumental track created in the Irish style. The track used live traditional European instruments. The track has two pace.

Beschreibung: Dark and sinister music from the dark ages, with violin and dark choir.

Beschreibung: Medieval track but with an uplifting theme. Very melodic with celtic/norse/nordic sounding flutes and violins. Backed up with orchestral sounds.