Beschreibung: Robot voice is talking / speaking 1 to 12 or count the numbers. Spoken phrases with american accent with the sound of a futuristic robot. Check the other sounds of this serie. Also avaiable in different robot sound colours. Can be used for movies and films. There is a pause different the words so you can cut easily the necessary part.

Beschreibung: Robot voice is talking / speaking 1 to 12 or count the numbers. Spoken phrases with american accent with the sound of a futuristic robot. Check the other sounds of this serie. Also avaiable in different robot sound colours. Can be used for movies and films. There is a pause different the words so you can cut easily the necessary part.

Beschreibung: Robot voice is talking / speaking 1 to 12 or count the numbers. Spoken phrases with american accent with the sound of a futuristic robot. Check the other sounds of this serie. Also avaiable in different robot sound colours. Can be used for movies and films. There is a pause different the words so you can cut easily the necessary part.

Beschreibung: Robot voice is talking / speaking 1 to 12 or count the numbers. Spoken phrases with american accent with the sound of a futuristic robot. Check the other sounds of this serie. Also avaiable in different robot sound colours. Can be used for movies and films. There is a pause different the words so you can cut easily the necessary part.

Beschreibung: Rückwärts sprechen mit luftigen Wirkung, Horror & übernatürliche böse Stimmen

Beschreibung: Klang eines Predigers schreien "Alleluia" "Praise The Lord" mit Publikum Applaus und Jubel.

Beschreibung: Klang eines Predigers schreien "Alleluia" "Praise The Lord" mit Publikum Applaus und Jubel.

Beschreibung: Klang eines Predigers schreien "Alleluia" mit Menge Jubel, Pfeifen und Applaus.

Beschreibung: Gruppe Stimmen schreien "Happy New Year" mit Fanfare, schreit "Hurra", Applaus und Getränke Toasten.