Beschreibung: Dramatic sound of car travelling from within in a storm with lashing rain and wind on the windscreen while windscreen wipers are moving.

Beschreibung: Sound recording of an old engine from a sputtering and spitting as a 1910 Packard automobile reluctantly starts up and idles for a while before being shut off again.

Beschreibung: Detailed and atmospheric sound of wind and rain lashing against the window of an old wooden ship cabin complete with swinging lamp. Perfectly looping. Be careful not to get seasick !

Beschreibung: Sound recording from inside a car or other vehicle as someone gets in, shuts the door, starts the ignition, and takes the vehicle for a drive. The Car accelerates, breaks, turns, and keys are jingling in the ignition.

Beschreibung: Sound recording of a helicopter flying in on an approach to a landing zone, landing on the ground, idling briefly and then powering down its propellers.

Beschreibung: Sound recording of a train passing by along a railroad track, clicking and clacking away. Loop ready.