Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo ambience or sound effect recording of the roaring, loud ambience at a race track as cars continually speed past and rev their engines.

Beschreibung: Stereo sound effect recording of someone drawing or writing on a chalkboard with a piece of chalk using a variety of strokes, marks, and scribbles.

Beschreibung: Sound recording of an old style emergency siren from a firetruck, ambulance, police car, etc.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo sound recording of static from a record player as the needle spins around the vinyl record. Great sound effect to put over your audio recording to give it a vintage, analogue sound as if being playing on from vinyl on a record player.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo ambience or sound effect recording of a large group of birds singing and chirping, creating a lively birdsong.

Beschreibung: Stereo sound recording of heavy wind blowing during a wind storm. Blustery, cold, wintery winds swirl blow, swaying trees and moving debris.

Beschreibung: Sound recording of a clock ticking and tocking and then chiming loudly to announce the top of the hour while faithfully ticking on.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo sound recording of crickets and other bugs and insects chirping and singing in a loud chorus at night.

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