Beschreibung: Sexy slide guitar over typical band setup sounding like it was recorded in the 60s. Powerful and melodic, slowly going into a more cinematic mode over time. Strings and trumpets give it an extra emotional touch. 6/8 tempo.

Beschreibung: Dreamy and cinematic Classical piece with piano, backed up by a soft orchestra. This is music for love dramas or nature documentaries. The title gave me the inspiration, as I envisioned an old beach, slowly being worn down by an ocean. Violins performed by Joni Fuller.

Beschreibung: Dreamy cinematic track with atmospheric slide guitar. Very roomy, melodic and spacious, just like an ocean, slowly rolling over the surface.

Beschreibung: A retro track with influences from the good old days. Lap steel guitar playing lonesome notes on top of drums, bass and electric guitars.

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