Beschreibung: Fender telecaster guitar is the highlighted instrument in this pop/rock, evocative piece.

Beschreibung: A positive, colorful and optimistic pop track for underscores and commercials.

Beschreibung: Fender telecaster guitar is the highlighted instrument in this pop/rock, evocative piece.

Beschreibung: A positive, colorful and optimistic pop track for underscores and commercials.

Beschreibung: Fender telecaster guitar is the highlighted instrument in this pop/rock, evocative piece.

Beschreibung: A positive, colorful and optimistic pop track for underscores and commercials.

Beschreibung: A positive, colorful and optimistic pop track for underscores and commercials.

Beschreibung: Eine dramatische unterstrich für Ernst, Dark und Spannung gefüllt Momente. Gut für Horror oder dramatische Projekte.

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