Beschreibung: Late Night, laid back, sleazy style Jazz. Smokey bar-rooms, ladies of the night, atmospheric and maybe a little sexy. Features saxophone, double bass, electric piano and brush drum kit. Perfect for scene setting, radio and TV commercials, also film

Beschreibung: Faule Sommertage, erhalten Schmetterlinge flattern von Blume zu Blume, Sie die Idee. Leichte Pastoral und der Natur, perfekt für den Dokumentarfilm. Main Mix, 60 und 30 Sek. Versionen.

Beschreibung: Long hazy days of summer to a light beat. Easy going and relaxed, warm and mellow, yet upbeat and forward pushing. Featuring electric and acoustic guitars and keyboards. Perfect for radio and television commercials. Also telephone on hold music and background music. Various lengths.

Beschreibung: Upbeat, lively French Jazz style track. Very catchy, friendly and happy tune that makes you want to tap along with your feet. Features acoustic guitars, walking double bass, brush drum kit and whistling. Perfect for light hearted radio and television commercials that want to raise a smile. 60sec and 30sec versions with or without whistling

Beschreibung: Thoughtful, reflective moment. Slow paced melancholic piano, full of warm fuzzy memories, with a growing glowing feeling of satisfaction and caring. Great for poignant moments, drama, documentary, radio and TV commercials for personal services, family, caring and anything warm and friendly. 60sec and 30sec versions

Beschreibung: Late Night, laid back, sleazy style Jazz. Smokey bar-rooms, ladies of the night, atmospheric and maybe a little sexy. Features saxophone, double bass, electric piano and brush drum kit. Perfect for scene setting, radio and TV commercials, also film

Beschreibung: Beautiful, slowly drifting, floaty vista. Wondrously warm atmosphere with acoustic guitar and panpipe figures. Creates a wonderfully rich relaxing soundscape depicting views of a tropical rain forest or underwater vista. Perfect for nature documentary or relaxation. Main and 30sec

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