Beschreibung: Happy, uplifting and playful. Happy-go-lucky pizzicato strings with quirky vibe suggesting movement, or a busy day in this light hearted underscore. Great for home life and work life situations - perfect for radio and television commercials, multimedia adverts or promotions, drama or documentary. 60sec and 30sec versions

Beschreibung: Fast and jolly, clowns marching parade. All the fun of the fair when the circus comes to town. The bright lights, the vibrant colours, the excitement of the marching style band. Perfect for the clowning antics, fall about and slapstick for film, documentary, commercials or circus performances. 60sec and 30sec, with and without fx

Beschreibung: Charmant und frech moderne Theme für kleine Schleckermäulchen. Sehr verspielt und lustig, voller Sprungkraft für Kiddies unterwegs. Funktionen schrulligen Synthesizer, Gitarre, Xylophon, Flöte und e-Piano. Große Aktivität Musik für Kinder-TV, Kindergarten Werbespots und Cartoons. Verschiedene Mischungen & Schnitte

Beschreibung: Nostalgic, whimsical & fluffy 1950's style theme. Full of warmth, movement & humour, from playful kittens to comic activity, bursting with hustle & bustle and no mistaking. Features strings, pizzicato, xylophone & bassoon. Great for reality TV, cinema, clowning, comedy & fun. Main, underscore, 60sec & 30sec cuts

Beschreibung: Light, Bright and Airy. Catchy pizzicato viola rhythm lends itself to a feeling of spring or summer. Loving family home, with children and the family dog - domestic bliss. Builds slightly to a quirky light double bass, triangle and percussion rhythm. Perfect for radio and TV commercials. 60sec and 30sec versions

Beschreibung: Albern, skurrilen und lustigen Thema für kleine Schleckermäulchen. Kleine Kinder lieben diese ungewöhnliche Neuheit-Spur, als es 'Himbeere' und vocal Percussion Klänge als den Rhythmus zusammen mit lustigen Synthie-Sounds kennzeichnet. Ideal für Vorschul-TV-Kanäle, Cartoons oder Kinder Spaß Aktivitäten. Viele Mischungen & Stiche

Beschreibung: Traditional English childrens counting song and nursery rhyme. Its origins are unclear, but was first published in 1906. This quirky and upbeat version features synths and keyboards and is perfect for use on childrens TV or for a advertising parody. 60sec and 30sec versions

Beschreibung: Mary Mary Quite Contrary is a popular English nursery rhyme, which some see as having religious or historical meaning. This light and pretty version features acoustic guitars, Glockenspiel, and keyboards. Perfect for childrens television programmes, also radio and TV commercials. 60sec and 30sec

Beschreibung: Leichte Slapstick, komische, glücklich gehen Glück Theme, mit Wah-Wah-Posaune. Verschiedene Mixe und Schnitt tiefen

Beschreibung: Bright, light-hearted and warm theme for children with strong logo. Playful summer days, blue skies, fluffy white clouds in golden meadows. Ideal for children's theme, TV music, adverts and commercials for children's products or healthy products and foods. With commercial legth cuts and underscores

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