Beschreibung: Loop ready ambience or sound effect recording of a basketball game taking place in a large arena with a boisterous crowd cheering, yelling and booing along with the game.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo walla or background crowd ambience that's great to put behind dialogue or for setting an atmosphere that's full of people.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo sound effect or ambience recording of the dim roar of a large crowd of people talking amongst themselves in a gathering hall, auditorium, theater, conference room, or other large area.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo ambience recording of a hockey rink during practice, warm up, or open ice. Many hockey players are skating, stick handling, and shooting pucks.

Beschreibung: Stereo sound effect or ambience recording of rain falling, with light distant thunder rumbling softly from far away.

Beschreibung: Loop ready sound recording of ambience from a busy distribution center or warehouse. Forklifts are moving packages and pallets, trucks are being loaded, and work is getting done.

Beschreibung: Loopable audio recording of ambience from a busy warehouse or distribution center, with vehicles, forklifts, and workers busy moving around or loading and unloading product.

Beschreibung: Loop ready sound recording of a freight train clicking and clacking down the rail road track as it passes by a rail road crossing.

Beschreibung: Loop ready sound effect that has a digital but disorienting or warped aesthetic. Perfect SFX for uploading/downloading, data transmissions, warping, or scenes where someone is intoxicated, confused, disoriented, dazed, etc.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo ambience recording of a thunderstorm raining down and making the city very drippy and wet.

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