Beschreibung: Driving Pop/Rock track with hints of R&B about a woman reminiscing about her soft-spoken lover. She relishes how he talks to her in a whisper and the emotional and sensual effect this has on her. The chorus rocks out with strong electric guitar power chords. The song could be used in any intimate romantic TV or film scene between lovers. It also works well for commercials that involve romantic encounters and settings and products that enhance intimacy such as perfume, mouthwash, toothpaste, breath mints, etc.

Beschreibung: Edgy pop ballad about saying goodbye to a an insincere, unscrupulous lover. The female vocalist makes it clear she has moved on and her former lover means nothing to her anymore. The song works well for romantic breakups, teen relationships and any situation where someone realizes that they're in a bad situation and decides to walk away from it.

Beschreibung: A hooky electronic music track that has alternating elements of sensuality and intensity with a driving techno/hip hop beat and guitar synthesizer power chords. The chorus is perfect for sports or car ads, particularly muscle cars and other products that convey dominance or confidence.

Beschreibung: An inspiring, uptempo Rock, Hip Hop, Trip Hop, Electronica song about Athletes “going for it”. It works as an Olympics track to be synced with images and videos of runners (particularly track and field) or racers of any kind. It has a refrain of “Take your marks, get ready, set…” which sets up a driving chorus about blasting out of the starting gate and competing at the highest level. Also works as a sync for Military images/videos.

Beschreibung: An inspiring, uptempo Rock, hip hop, trip hop, electronica song about Athletes “going for it”. It works as an Olympics track to be synced with images and videos of runners (particularly track and field) or racers of any kind. It has a driving chorus that works for imagery of blasting out of the starting gate and competing at the highest level. Also works as a sync for Military images/videos.

Beschreibung: Breezy pop, pop/rock track, female vocal. Young woman in love, missing her lover. He/she has kissed her goodbye and she can still taste him/her on the tip of her tongue. Light sexual innuendo. Strong advertising potential: Could be used in a commercial for just about anything edible. Key lyric: "You're the taste on the tip of my tongue/From a little kiss/All it takes is just one/The flavor of you is second to none/You're the taste on the tip of my tongue.

Beschreibung: Instrumental version of a guitar-driven romantic pop/adult contemporary song about someone who misses their lover so much that she can taste their kiss on her tongue long after they have left. Breezy, but with edge, this is a highly commercial track and is well suited to be the musical bed for any romantic scene or montage of scenes between two lovers. It also works very well for commercial advertising.

Beschreibung: Instrumental version of a sad, melancholy song about someone who decides that the person they were in love with doesn't deserve them anymore. This track works well underneath TV or film scenes where two lovers are thinking things over or in crisis, or even missing one another.

Beschreibung: Upbeat, uptempo pop/rock/teen song about a preteen/teenage girl who likes a boy in her school because he is who he is -- no pretense, no put ons, no false cool that many teenagers adopt in an attempt to boost their social status. The song is about rejecting and rebeling against all the pretenses of this age and all the school-related judgements that come with it. It's a driving track with a strong hook, strong harmonies and an electric guitar that rocks out in the chorus. It could easily be used as a theme song for any TV show geared to teens and preteens -- films with similar themes as well.

Beschreibung: An inspirational and uplifting pop/classical song about eternal life and coming to terms with our own mortality or the death of a loved one. The theme of the song reinforces the notion that all of us have a light that shines in life and which ultimately becomes a light in the heavens when we pass from this world. It works for any TV or film scene that involves death or dying. It also works for commercials that deal with death and dying and eternal life -- life insurance, funeral homes, assisted living care, home health care, religious products, etc.

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