Beschreibung: Concerned, driving, News pulse style track. Picking electric guitars and a strong relentless rhythm give an edgy and serious feel. Perfect for TV drama trailer, through to radio and TV commercials for edgier products such as cars and harder hitting services.

Beschreibung: Caring, pretty yet understated. Gentle rhythmic piano figures alongside warm smooth strings. Ideal for radio and television commercials for caring services for family or pets, medical also legal and financial services or factual.

Beschreibung: Freundliche, warme & flauschige Nu-Folk-unterstrich, komponierte für Werbespots. Voller Sonnenschein, Unschuld, plus es ist eingängig, glücklich und gesund. Funktionen Auftakt gezupften rhythmische kleine akustische Gitarre, Glockenspiel, Akkordeon, Gesang männlich. Ideal für Feelgood anzeigen. Vermischt mit oder ohne Gesang.

Beschreibung: Cool contemporary pop groove, lead by a double bass riff. Alongside vocal chops, synth stabs and light beats this underscore track is perfect for commercials.

Beschreibung: Stirring, proud and motivational orchestral build. Rhythmic piano patterns with staccato string accompaniment, gradually building to a crescendo, resolving at the end. Perfect for Radio and Television commercials, infomercials and corporate promos.

Beschreibung: Epic powerful and dramatic riser. This is the stuff of major superhero action movies. Big, dark, expansive and tense action. Fighting against evil - good will prevail. Features full orchestra, big thundering Tiako drums and male voice choir. Perfect for film drama through to radio and TV adverts. 60sec and 30sec with or without choir versions

Beschreibung: Lebhaft, Feelgood, erhebend bubblegum Pop. Helle & positiv mit einem guten Beat. Funktionen-e-Gitarren, Keyboards, Eletric Bass, Schlagzeug & Frauengesang. Große moderne pop-Stil für Werbung eine Vielzahl von Waren und Dienstleistungen. Mischungen mit oder ohne Gesang.

Beschreibung: Contemporary Electropop underscore. Mid-tempo modern electronic dance, with a strong beat, glitches and an automated robotic feel. Also has modern electronic oriental influences. Perfect for documentary or radio and TV adverts for electronics, hi-tech, youth culture and modern Japanese culture. Main, 60sec, 30sec and underscores

Beschreibung: Prestigious, proud and celebratory modern classical. A birds eye view, sweeping through grand buildings, stately homes, over hill and dale, through vast country estates. Restless string section forms a rhythmic back drop, underscored by horns and sweeping violins with percussion crescendos. 60sec and 30sec

Beschreibung: Alter theatralischen Stil Musical 'Vamp bis bereit', Aufmachung kleine Band bestehend aus Klavier, Schlagzeug, Posaune, Flöte, Xylophon und Tuba. Denken Varieteekunst, Music Hall, "sage ich, sage ich, sage ich ' Komödie. Perfekte für Werbung - ausgeweitet werden könnte. Main mix 30 Sek & unterstrich 30sec version

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