Beschreibung: Stereo sound recording of a writer typing out a line of text on a typewriter and returning the carriage to the next line after reaching the end of the page.

Beschreibung: Loop ready sound recording of a smoke detector or fire alarm going off to warn people of danger or indicate a fire or the presence of smoke.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo sound recording of someone using chalk to write on a chalkboard.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo sound recording of a line of text being typed out onto a piece of paper using a typewriter, complete with the typewriter's carriage returning to the next line.

Beschreibung: Loop ready sound recording of a whiteboard marker squeaking as it writes across a white board, glass window, projector, or other surface.

Beschreibung: Stereo sound effect recording of a typewriter being used to type out a line of text on a piece of paper before returning the carriage to the next line.

Beschreibung: Loop ready sound recording of someone scrubbing away as they clean something with a wet, drippy, watery scrub down.

Beschreibung: Loop ready sound recording of fireworks shooting off, whistling, and exploding.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo recording of a large chorus of bells ringing as a herd of sheep or cows grazes and mills about.

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