Beschreibung: Stereo sound recording of a writer typing out a line of text on a typewriter and returning the carriage to the next line after reaching the end of the page.

Beschreibung: Loop ready sound recording of water spraying out of a shower head in a residential shower.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo recording of continuous typing on a computer keyboard.

Beschreibung: Loop ready sound effect of digital information being downloaded or transmitted with hi-tech, cybernetic or electronic transmission sounds.

Beschreibung: Sound effect recording of a lunch or break bell or horn sounding in a factory or other industrial work environment to signal a change of shift, lunch break, the end of the day, etc. Loop ready.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo sound effect or ambience recording of large display of fireworks exploding, popping, crackling and sizzling as fireworks are launched during a celebration.

Beschreibung: Loop ready sound recording of chickens and hens squawking and clucking on the farm.

Beschreibung: Loop ready sound recording of a ventilation fan running to circulate air.

Beschreibung: Stereo sound effect recording of a typewriter being used to type out a line of text on a piece of paper before returning the carriage to the next line.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo sound recording of someone typing continuously on a laptop keyboard.

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