Beschreibung: Flight on the airplane or paragliding. A person is soaring in the sky, also flight of birds or flock of birds, bird migration. Instruments: firstly slow classical rock guitar then plays unusual synthetic drum machine with synthesizer.

Beschreibung: Slow classical guitar rock with synthesizer vocal is drawling and emotional.

Beschreibung: Electronic track sounds good for computer game, also suitable for fantastic films or adds. Very strange and unusual composition. You can imagine a person is going through very strong wind or powerful sea.

Beschreibung: A strange track is drawing a picture of philosophical time, sounds like mechanical watch, life in motion.

Beschreibung: a bit strange contrast electronic sounding in dancing temp first the male vocal with effort then calm duet

Beschreibung: A clock is going gradually, acute synth, sounds are increasing and finally hard guitar bursts into and powerful volume drums are breaking from darkness to light

Beschreibung: a clock is going gradually, acute synth, sounds are increasing and finally hard guitar bursts into and powerful volume drums are breaking from darkness to light at the beginning the vocal is calm recitative then more and more tensely and then vocal gets loud

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