Beschreibung: A night chase through the street's, and it's all riding on you! Focus, great warrior ninja racer! As the video game music plays, you will fight your way to victory! Battle Music vs Race Music, who will win the match?

Beschreibung: Video Game Music Loop for your Epic Viral Youtube Video! Cool ! 8 Bit Passion is amazing retro video game music loop adventure! minecraft your way into beautiful RPG world journey where youtube video is electronic edm synth pop ! Good and Great rhythm and drums with deep kick , holy sonic mario ! All the best youtuber's use heatleybros music , and that's a promise ! YAY LOL !

Beschreibung: 8 Bit determination ! Level Up in this mighty magical mythical mystical adventure ! Victory will win with your amazing awesome video game youtube channel ! cool waters will rise with hot fire and the powerful power will inspire uplift and pump up your fitness music self!

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