Beschreibung: Sexy erotic track with heart beat sound and beat. Picture forbidden sex

Beschreibung: Beautiful majestic Eagle soaring higher and higher on the sound of piano and violin

Beschreibung: Driving faster and faster you hit the tunnel. Darkness with yellow lights beg you to go faster until you hit the other side. But whats on the other side?

Beschreibung: Is it your time to scream for pleasure or for pain. Maybe so. You decide with this dark track

Beschreibung: Metalic, hard, industrial as the machines go against the current of the humans. Will they win the battle or be destroyed

Beschreibung: The wolf slowly walks through the snow searching for food for its young. Follow her journey in the dead of winter

Beschreibung: Dreams are shattered and plans are changed in this romantic classical track of desperate wanting, Piano, woodwinds, and orchestra

Beschreibung: This woman knows how to rock and dance. She'll put a spell on you with heavy guitar and driving drums

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