Beschreibung: Legend says the whip-poor-will can sense a soul departing, and can capture it as it flees. This is used as a plot device in H. P. Lovecraft's story The Dunwich Horror. This is likely related to an earlier Native American and general American folk belief that the singing of the birds is a death omen. This is the song of an eastern whippoorwill (Antrostomus vociferus) recorded in a New Hampshire forest. Several of these birds have been singing around my home at night for the past few weeks and one got close enough to get a good recording from a mic placed on the porch.

Beschreibung: Here's an upbeat and energetic pop rock indent with a classic rock drum kit dance groove, a pair of crunchy electric guitars, and electric bass guitar. There is a real uplifting, get this party started, lively fun feel with this clip and would make a great live function walk on fanfare! It's a fast foot tapping 169 beats per minute.

Beschreibung: A frightening effect with synthesizer generated low frequency rumbles and echoing industrial bangs for use in scary horror, ghosts, science fiction, fantasy themes. A good way to add some fright to a media creation.

Beschreibung: A happy and upbeat acoustic guitar strumming with bass, hand clapping, and maraca. Great as a 60 second spot for introductions, business advertising, or themes that want to impart cheerful optimism and a happy to be alive feeling, 106 beats per minute.

Beschreibung: 30 second indent spot that has a feel of uncertain melancholy or a fantasy mysterious discovery. There's a finger picked acoustic guitar, electric bass, and a lush foreboding string ensemble. It's in and odd time signature of 5/4 that helps impart a darker mystery feeling. 104 beats per minute.

Beschreibung: A underlying swirling fluid ambiance, background for sci-fi, or calm and mysterious texture with layered pads and synthesizer effects.30 second spot

Beschreibung: Eine 1/2 Pferd macht Handwerker Tablesaw Rippen schneiden ein 3 Fuss langes Stück 1/4 Zoll Sperrholz, umfasst, wobei die Säge eingeschaltet, schneiden, Holz fallen, und ausschalten.

Beschreibung: A world of ghostly apparitions, forlorn paranormal voices, and a relentless haunting wind that's generated by synthesizers create a vision of unworldly nightmarish terror.

Beschreibung: Legend says the whip-poor-will can sense a soul departing, and can capture it as it flees. This is used as a plot device in H. P. Lovecraft's story The Dunwich Horror. This is likely related to an earlier Native American and general American folk belief that the singing of the birds is a death omen. This is the song of an eastern whippoorwill (Antrostomus vociferus) recorded in a New Hampshire forest. Several of these birds have been singing around my home at night for the past few weeks and one got close enough to get a good recording from a mic placed on the porch.

Beschreibung: This is one minute stereo recording of outdoor insect ambiance with close proximity bumble bees collecting pollen from flowers, crickets chirping, and distant crow calls. Insect, bee, fly, flies, buzz, buzzing, buzzes, insect buzz, nature, ambient, ambiance, nature, animal behavior, cricket, animal life, biology, bio system, calls, calm, chirp, chirping, chirps, crickets, ecology, ecosystem, evening, flying, forest, forests, green, insect, insects, science, wildlife, swarm, swarming, swarms, swarmed,

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