Beschreibung: A popular classical hymn about the Eucharist with music and lyrics written in the 1800’s. Here done with a classical orchestra ensemble of piano, strings, harp, voice choir, and a beautiful flute melody line. 102bpm Jesu du mein hirt

Beschreibung: A popular classical hymn about the Eucharist with music and lyrics written in the 1800’s. Here done with a classical pipe organ. 102bpm Jesu du mein hirt

Beschreibung: All alone the space traveler from Earth stares out the environment dome window onto a lifeless, rocky, and wind swept planet. What mysterious adventures await, will they ever see their home world again, and the never ending ambient wind sets a sad melody of uncertainty. Set a mysterious mood with futuristic swirling synthesizer pads, mystic bells, and a minimal minor mode melody line that imparts a cool uncertain ambiance.

Beschreibung: Lyrics by John Fawcett in 1782 with most instances using the tune Dennis by Johann G. Nageli. This version is done with a traditional orchestra ensemble of piano, flute, harp, and voice choir. It is a bright cheerful rendition of classic instruments that will add reverence to any related application.120bpm

Beschreibung: This is a beautiful nature sound effect clip of nighttime summer insect activity recorded in the rural forests of central New Hampshire USA.

Beschreibung: This is a fantastic and uplifting corporate motivational theme. Great for seminar introductions and festive retreat gatherings and suitable for commercial applications. A triumphant choir and french horn melody that is very memorable lies over a pop synthesizer line and an uptempo dance energy percussion and bass groove. Rally the troops! 126 beats per minute.

Beschreibung: A classic hymn written by Frederick Lucian Hosmer in 1891. In most instances the lyrics are set to the music of Irish, a folk song from Ireland published in Dublin in 1749. Here done in a classical ensemble of piano, flute, harp, strings, and voice choir. 98bpm

Beschreibung: The bones are jumping tonight with this energetic and humorous track. It has a brisk conga and drum kit groove with syncopated synthesizer arpeggios. There is bells, synthesizer frequency swells, a spirit choir, wind chimes, and on top is a happy bouncy xylophone melody that has the classic bony clunking fun. Put a peppy dance feel to something fun and happy! 110bpm 444hz A solfeggio tuning for some extra heightened good feeling!

Beschreibung: The classic children's sing along done in a modern techno beat with electronic pads, harp arpeggios, piano, and electronic percussion. Have some fun with a pop dance twist!

Beschreibung: There are several of these special frequencies and these specific tones are scientifically believed to be beneficial to the body and the mind for positive feelings and thinking. This is the G# 825hz which consists of swirling fluid ambient pads, choir chant, and meditation bells. The 825hz is linked to the third eye chakra and can be used as means for awakening inner strength and for dissolving bad mental energy.

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