Beschreibung: Sound-Effekt-Aufnahme von einem entfernten Zug vorbei und bläst sein Horn mehrmals.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo sound effect or ambience recording of crowd walla or murmur that's great for background ambience.

Beschreibung: Stereo-Effekt oder Atmosphäre /ambience Tonaufnahme des rollenden Donner Grollen und Rissbildung. Mid/Side Stereo Aufnahme kann in Mono Phase problemlos konvertiert werden.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo sound effect or ambience recording of a wet, dank, damp, drippy sewer, tunnel, mine, or other cavernous space.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo ambience or sound effect recording of a town or small city going about it's day. Cars and trucks drive by, a distant train passes, birds sing, insects chirp, and people pass by.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo sound recording of distant waves crashing against the shoreline as the tide rises and the surf rolls in.

Beschreibung: Loop bereit Stereo Ambiente Aufnahme auf einer aktiven Baustelle. LKW und andere Baumaschinen sind im Einsatz hörbar. Mid/Side Stereo Aufnahme kann in Mono Phase problemlos konvertiert werden.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo ambience of a serene, peaceful morning on a farm or in a rural agricultural area in the country. Birds are chirping, hens are clucking, a rooster lets out a loud crow, crickets and other bugs chirp and buzz, and a small plane passes across the sky off in the distance.

Beschreibung: Loop ready stereo ambience or sound effect recording of a suburban environment during the spring or summer. Birds are chirping, the breeze is gently blowing through the tress, a distant lawn mower cuts grass, and an airplane flies across the sky.

Beschreibung: Stereo sound effect or ambience recording of a 1970 50hp Mercury outboard boat motor starting, idling briefly, and then accelerating the watercraft to full speed before finally stopping and turning off.

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