Beschreibung: comedic, animation, fun, orchestral, light and fast flute melodies, fun and rhythmic marimba and kalimba

Beschreibung: fun pop, high energy, upbeat, heavy groove, quirky, robotic, fast motion, lots of hits, hand claps

Beschreibung: Comedic, dramatic, fun and light orchestration, clarinet and pizzicatos lead the way with kalimba bringing some comic relief.

Beschreibung: rock and roll, piano, rock a billy, organ, fun energetic, upbeat, exciting

Beschreibung: A light and fun Polka tune that will get you smiling and wanting to dance. Has all the required elements including accordion (of course), organ, brushes and charm.

Beschreibung: drama, quirky, comedic, animation, light humor, piano, and pizzicato with light percussion

Beschreibung: light, fun, relaxed energy, quirky, piano, melody with whistling, clarinet, brush drums

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