Beschreibung: The classic minstrel hit that’s one of the most famous songs in American history. Written by Steven Foster and first published in 1848. This is a standard underscore for old west, civil war, or cowboy saloon adventures. 106bpm

Beschreibung: This is a famous well know song and known as the old west cowboy anthem. It is also the Kansas State song. With it's popularity and association to western imagery it is sure to fit in perfect for any associates project. Here it is done with traditional instrumentation that would have been heard over 100 years ago. The piano, horns, and reed instruments really give the feel of a lonesome campfire on the prairie, rot gut whiskey saloon, settlers on a wagon train, or a turn of the century cattle drive! 66 beats per minute.

Beschreibung: This is a famous well know song and known as the old west cowboy's anthem. It is also the Kansas State song. With it's popularity and association to western imagery it is sure to fit in perfect for any associates project. Here it is done with traditional instrumentation that would have been heard over 100 years ago. The piano, horns, and reed instruments really give the feel of a lonesome campfire on the prairie, rot gut whiskey saloon, settlers on a wagon train, or a turn of the century cattle drive! 66 beats per minute.

Beschreibung: Also know as Dixie’s Land, Dixie, and I wish I was in Dixie. It was a traditional United States Civil War song and a favorite of Abraham Lincoln. This is a short indent with a solo piano at 82bpm for a relaxed but not somber mood feeling for a mass recognition to a suitable production

Beschreibung: Also know as Dixie’s Land, Dixie, and I wish I was in Dixie. It was a traditional United States Civil War song and a favorite of Abraham Lincoln. Here done with a solo piano at 82bpm for a relaxed but not somber mood feeling.

Beschreibung: The classic minstrel hit that’s one of the most famous songs in American history. Written by Steven Foster and first published in 1848. This is a standard underscore for old west, civil war, or cowboy saloon adventures. 106bpm

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