Beschreibung: Romantische Orchesterstück für Anzeige-Spots. Gold, Silber, Sterling, romantisch, schön, Liebe, Engagement, Romantik, Hals weniger, Halskette, Diamant, Diamanten, Leistung, Luxuary, Lux, Anzeige, Werbung, Hochzeit, liebenswert, reflektierend, entspannt, hoffnungsvoll, sinnlich, aufrichtig, glatt, weich, süß, ruhig, Reisen, gesunde, friedliche, positiv, optimistisch, Licht, inspirierende, Motivations, kontemplative, verträumt, einfach, elegant, ruhig, hell, königlichen, meditative, Klavier, Flöte, Gitarre, Schmuck, Schmuckstück, Schmuck

Beschreibung: Eine glatte Instrumental perfekt für Leistungssport, wo Teamarbeit für alles, was zählt. Ideal auch für erhebende Unternehmen Handel, Titelsong, Imagefilm oder Videospiele. Fließende, rhythmische, warm und herzlich. Mutig, lebendige und erfolgreiche. Ruhige elegante Motivational unterstrich. Gesellschafts-, Werbung, Werbung, Präsentation, Promotion, Purposeful, Delicate, schöne, fahren, Elegant, inspirierend, motivierend, positive, motivierende, erhebend, hoffnungsvoll, zuversichtlich, erfolgreich, motivierend, inspirierend, Sibilla, Leistung, Intelligent, fegen, ruhige, friedliche, entspannte, reflektierende, meditative, ruhige, verträumte, sweet, Soundscape, Soundtrack, Hintergrund, Kino, Sport, Technik, einfache, nahtlose Schleifen

Beschreibung: "Inspirational Dreamy Hope" Inspirational motivational background music with piano, electric guitar, strings, bass and drums. Bright positive background music with a beautiful uplifting pop feeling. Rhythmic motivational inspiring pulse in medium fast tempo with a bright emotional atmosphere. "Inspirational Dreamy Hope" is perfect for neat inspirational videos, infomercial movies, inspirational promo, powerful presentation, progression celebration, inspiring commercial, successful advertise, bright future, modern technology, product promotion, industrial documentary, video montage, website, blog, or other awesome projects. dreamy inspirational, acoustic pop advertise, bright, dreamy atmosphere, dreamy acoustic pop motivational, background, beautiful, dreamy celebration, neat, acoustic pop dreamy commercial, dreamy, electric guitar, pulse, dreamy emotional, hope,inspiring, dreamy infomercial, modern, dreamy pop, positive, dreamy powerful, presentation, progression, promo, rhythmic, strings, successful, acoustic pop uplifting, acoustic pop video, achievement, industrial, dreamy corporate, cool, optimistic, acoustic pop proud, happy dreamy acoustic pop

Beschreibung: Gute Werbung macht Spaß das Gefühl glücklich Werbespot! Zippy Hochstimmung gute Musik mit e-Gitarre, Klavier, klatschen. Frische positive Hintergrundmusik mit einem lebhaft erhebendes Gefühl. Rhythmisches inspirierende Musik in mittlerer schnell entspannt Tempo mit einer lebendigen Atmosphäre. ordentlich frisch alert lebhaft Anzeige Fernsehanzeige Alarmieren, werben, zippy, Atmosphäre, fröhlich, Hintergrund, hell, inspirierend, fröhlich, clapping, positiv, kommerzielle, High-Tech, Dokumentarfilm, ein gutes Gefühl, Gefühl gut, frisch, lustig, heiter, fröhlich, Infomercial, inspirierend, lebhafte, gepflegte, Präsentation, rhythmische, lebhaft, "Spry", motivierend, witzig, video-Montage, federnd, jeden Tag fröhlich/fröhlich, zuversichtlich, treibende, leicht, elegant, verspielt, Licht, sich wiederholende, Batterie, Duracell, Frühstück, Gesundheitswesen, Gesundheit, Pflege, ganze Essen

Beschreibung: Light Soft Uplifting Background - Corporate Inspiring positive background music! Inspirational easy upbeat pop music with a modern driving positive feeling with guitar, piano, bass & drums in medium fast tempo. Motivated corporate background pop for projects like advertise, corporate presentation, fresh commercial. Upbeat easy corporate music for positive bright ideas! advertising, background, beautiful, bright, business, calm, commercial, cool, corporate, dreamy, driving, drums, easy, emotion, energetic, fresh, guitar, happy, hopeful, inspirational, inspiring, light, modern, motivational, optimistic, piano, pop, positive, promotion, soft, soothing, success, upbeat, uplifting, video, advertisement, presentation, contemporary, elegant, achievement, film, medium tempo

Beschreibung: Motivational Soft Pop is modern dreamy background in medium tempo with guitar in the melody which has a calm cool hopeful presence. Made for a wide variety of applications like commercial advertisement, corporate video presentation, ads, apps, travels and more. Soft easy listening pop music with a smooth calm inspirational emotion and a gentle emotional driving feeling. Guitar, bass, piano, drums, percussion, and pads. achievement, background, beautiful, beauty, bright, business, commercial, confident, corporate, dreamy, easy, elegant, emotional, fresh, future, guitar, hope, hopeful, inspirational, inspiring, light, listening, marketing, modern, motivated, motivational, optimistic, pop, positive, presentation, promotion, reflective, repetitive, smooth, soft, soothing, strings, successful, upbeat, uplifting, video, medium tempo

Beschreibung: Inspiring Uplifting Pop is a fast corporate uplifting positive background music with modern upbeat guitar. Cool hopeful motivational presence. commercial advertisement, video presentation, confident achievement, motivational team building, marketing, youtube advertise Optimistic inspirational easy listening pop music with a motivating emotional

Beschreibung: Confident - Inspiring background music! Description of "Confident": Confident is positive motivational modern upbeat dreamy background pop music in medium tempo with guitar in the melody which has a uplifting cool hopeful presence. Made for a wide variety of applications like commercial advertisement, corporate video presentation, ads, apps, travels and more. Optimistic inspirational easy listening pop music with a motivating emotional driving feeling. Guitar, bass, piano, drums and strings in medium fast tempo.

Beschreibung: Uplifting Pop - Inspiring background music! Description of "Uplifting Pop": Uplifting Pop is positive motivational modern upbeat dreamy background music in medium tempo with guitar in the melody which has a uplifting cool hopeful presence. Made for a wide variety of applications like commercial advertisement, corporate video presentation, ads, apps, travels and more. advertising, background, bright, commercial, confident, corporate, drums, easy, feel good, fresh, guitar, hopeful, inspirational, inspired, inspiring, light, modern, motivated, motivational, optimistic, pop, positive, presentation, promotion, strings, success, successful, upbeat, uplifting, video, achievement, energetic, dreamy, driving, happy, playful, soft, travel

Beschreibung: Inspirational Ambient Corporate Success 2 is a fast corporate uplifting positive background music with modern upbeat guitar. Cool hopeful motivational presence. commercial advertisement, video presentation, motivational team building, marketing, youtube advertise Optimistic inspirational easy listening pop music with a motivating emotional driving feeling.

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