Beschreibung: Orchestral, Symphonic, Drama, Drama-Action, Drama-Abenteuer, Drama-Danger, Drama-Epos, Drama Fantasy-, Horror-Drama, Drama-Sci Fi, Suspense Drama-, Panorama, Religion & Spirituelles, Sci Fi, geheimnisvoll, Suspense, Spannung, entschlossen, Detektiv, Dark, sicher, perkussive, starke, mutige, Big, Erwartung, dramatisch, Majestic, Broad, Dangerous, Ernst, Explosive, Epic, Intrigue, Intense, Horror, Heavy, öde, unheimlich, kantig, Nachdenklich, Leidenschaftlich, ominöse, in eine geheimnisvolle, Majestic, Powerful, emotionale Stimmung, mit Orchester, Synthesizer, Streicher, Pauken, Hallo Hat, mit einer langsamen, sehr langsamen Tempo

Beschreibung: Kino, Disney-Stil-Stück mit komplizierten Anordnung. Leise beginnt, dann allmählich baut in einem inspirierenden festliche Finale!

Beschreibung: Elegante Orchesterstück mit magischen, kindisch, Disney-Stil-Anordnung.

Beschreibung: Magische Disney-Stil Orchesterstück mit unschuldigen kindliche Qualität.

Beschreibung: Here is an imposing, grandiose film / documentary production company orchestral crescendo logo. The instrumentation used is strings, brass, choir, harp, timpani, bass drum, snare drum, sticks, cymbals & bar chimes.

Beschreibung: Dynamic action-adventure music featuring a rousing modern orchestral score in the style of a big movie studio soundtrack. Epic dramatic music designed for super hero movies, war films and documentaries, espionage, CIA and military themes, movie trailers and video games.

Beschreibung: Cinematic orchestral hollywood style Logo. Ideal for cinema, logo, Intro, opener, movie introduction, game, commercial, tv logo, for company and product branding.

Beschreibung: A short piece creating a sense of magic and wonder. Inspired by classic Film and TV musical logos. Instruments include Glockenspiel, Celesta, Piano, Harp, Strings, Brass and Flute. The piece has a natural ralentando (slow down in tempo) towards the end. * This piece was previously titled 'Starry Azure Night', and the file you will receive carries the original name.