Beschreibung: Riesige Roboter Fußstapfen zu treten, könnte auch als eine industrielle Press, Sci-Fi-Androiden, Roboter & Sci-Fi-Servos verwenden

Beschreibung: Große Gruppen: Konstante Fuß stampfenden, Sci-Fi-Androiden, Roboter & Sci-Fi-Servos

Beschreibung: Futuristic machine transforming sound fx pack. You can use it for Game openers, stingers, Video fx, Radio fx, TV, video games, websites, flash animations, clips, cinematics and anything else. Download includes five hi-tech engine sounds and four metallic punch and impact sounds. Thanks for purchasing :)

Beschreibung: This is what those little cyber beasts that monitor and fix program code sound like while they are conspiring to revolt against their analog creators. Cyber languges of machines.