Beschreibung: New Military Intelligence is an orchestral film music cue designed for war documentaries, war history television shows, war scenes, battle scenes, war films, video games, etc. Think the video game Call of Duty.

Beschreibung: Sunny and Mild is a music cue played by a string quartet that has a positive and upbeat vibe. Music designed for weather report TV segments, Wall Street Report, financial and business TV segments, art gallery music, art music, etc.

Beschreibung: Major Allied Advance is an orchestral film music cue designed for war documentaries, war films, action-adventure, battle scenes, video games, etc. Think the video game Call of Duty.

Beschreibung: A Love That Will Never Die is an orchestral film music cue that is romantic and emotional. Music Theme for main titles and end credits and happy endings.

Beschreibung: Engage The Enemy is an orchestral film music cue designed for war documentaries, war films, television war history shows, battle scenes, war scenes, video games, shooter games, action-adventure, etc. Think the video game Call of Duty.

Beschreibung: Full Scale Invasion is an orchestral film music cue designed for war documentaries, war films, battle scenes, war scenes, video games, etc. Think the video game Call of Duty.

Beschreibung: Battle Tested Soldiers is an orchestral film music cue designed for war documentaries, war films, battle scenes, war scenes, video games, and action-adventure. Think the video game Call of Duty.

Beschreibung: A Time For Heroes is an orchestral film music cue designed for war documentaries, war scenes, battle scenes, action-adventure, video game music, etc. Think the video game Call of Duty.

Beschreibung: Such A Beautiful Day is an orchestral film music cue designed for romantic scenes, love scenes, family scenes, happy scenes, happy ending scenes, etc. Also music for Reality TV Shows.

Beschreibung: It Will Take Time is an orchestral film music cue designed for documentaries, dramatic scenes, romantic scenes, and biography profiles of famous people, celebrities, and artists. Also art gallery music.

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