Beschreibung: Tears of the Vanquished is a string ensemble and percussion Film Music Cue designed for war documentaries, war scenes, dramatic scenes, the holocaust, tragic scenes, disasters, and devastation. Think of music for a Ken Burns project.

Beschreibung: Under Cloak Of Darkness is a film music cue using full orchestra for war documentaries, war scenes, war movies, battle scenes, action-adventure, and dramatic scenes. Also music for games such as Call of Duty, Medal of Honor, etc.

Beschreibung: Under Cloak Of Darkness (Final Version) is an orchestral film music cue designed for war documentaries, war films, war scenes, battle scenes, action-adventure, video game music, shooter game music, World War II, D-Day, etc. Think the video game Call of Duty World War II.

Beschreibung: Under Cloak Of Darkness (Version 2) is an orchestral film music cue designed for war documentaries, war films, music for games, action-adventure, war scenes, hero scenes, etc. Epic hero music.

Beschreibung: Deep Thoughts is an instrumental electronic track with a relaxing mood. Music designed for a spa or meditation. Unique sound.

Beschreibung: Melancholy Rain is a film music cue for dark and sad subject matter. Also ambient music for a spa or meditation.

Beschreibung: Orchestral music cue with an expressive melodic theme. Main Title Theme Music for war documentaries, war films, dramatic films, and epic films. Masterful and colorful orchestrations of the melodic theme.

Beschreibung: It Will Take Time is an orchestral film music cue designed for documentaries, dramatic scenes, romantic scenes, and biography profiles of famous people, celebrities, and artists. Also art gallery music.

Beschreibung: Evil Vibrations is an avant-garde film music cue with sound design effects and atmosphere soundscapes for use is horror films, murder scenes, paranormal activity subjects, and satanism.

Beschreibung: Spine Chills is a Film Music Cue using sound design effects and atmospheric soundscapes for horror flicks, slasher movies, murder scenes, sci-fi films, etc. Avant-garde film scoring.

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